Peggy said, ‘I have two cats. Do you have any pets?’. “I have two dogs, three fish and seven snails,” said Joe. “I have two cats,” said Peggy, “Do you have any pets?”. “I’m not sure,” said Sue, “if I know how to do this test”. “Has he brought any papers home?” asked mother. “He shook the tree so hard,”…
Year: 2014
Punctuating Dialogue Activity -CSEC English A
Review the post entitled ‘How to write dialogue in a story‘. After this, rewrite the following sentences below and include punctuation marks, quotation marks and capital letters. peggy said i have two cats do you have any pets i have two dogs three fish and seven snails said joe i have two cats said peggy do you have any pets…
Punctuation Quizzes
Complete the following quizzes: PUNCTUATION QUIZ 1 PUNCTUATION QUIZ 2 Post your grade in the comment section below. ]]>
CSEC English A Paper 1 Exam Structure
Section 1 Section one (1) is made up of twenty (25) separate multiple-choice questions. In this section, you will be tested on the following skills: Section 1 Skills Comprehension Grammar Punctuation Paragraphing Section 2 Section two (2) is made up of forty (35) multiple-choice reading comprehension questions based on your understanding of five (5) passages. The passages will consist of,…