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Month: May 2014

CSEC English A Narrative Writing Videos
Enhancing the Story
Sample CSEC English A Short Story Questions – 1
Sample questions for CXC English A short story section (Paper 2, Section 3) Answer Length: Your short story answers should be about 400-450 words – that is, they should take up both sides of a folder page. Narrative Writing Tip: You should develop your short story in about 6 paragraphs. 1 paragraph for the introduction, 1 paragraph for the conclusion…

Sample CSEC English A Short Story – 3
The graveyard was cold, dark and dreary. One weary old oak tree leaned over the entrance gate and broken battered headstones were scattered all around. I could hear the sound of the howling wind and the creak and groan of branches as they swayed in the storm. The smell of fear and rotting leaves filled my nostrils and I swallowed…

Sample CSEC English A Short Story – 2
Question 5: A cold hand grasped his wrist as he slumped to his knees. Write a story which includes these words. This story is based on Question 5 above. A Miner’s Story The gold-bearing plateau of the Guiana Shield is every miner‟s destination. But many times, it is also their doom. The rainforest holds a hellish hatred, a demonic grudge against all…