Here is a CXC past paper type summary writing question.
This is the type of summary writing question that has been on
CXC English A past papers NB: CXC suggests spending no more than 35 minutes to answer the summary writing question in Section one, paper 2 of the English A exam.
Read carefully the following conversation between Ross and Susan and then answer the question below it.
The Secretary
Denby Sports Club
P.O. Box 63
Arroyo Village
Denby Sports Club
P.O. Box 63
Arroyo Village
Dear Villagers,
A pleasant day to you. The Denby Sports Club is seeking your help on accommodating six (6) Guadeloupan students both male and female for two weeks. The reason for this is of the inconvenience with the hotels being filled at this time. The students will be arriving on September 15th and departing on the 30th.
A pleasant day to you. The Denby Sports Club is seeking your help on accommodating six (6) Guadeloupan students both male and female for two weeks. The reason for this is of the inconvenience with the hotels being filled at this time. The students will be arriving on September 15th and departing on the 30th.
Villagers interested must be able to speak French fluently, to provide breakfast and dinner daily except on Sundays where lunch should be included. Please state your fees of accommodation and write back to us by August 26, where as an inspection by two (2) members of the club to select appropriate homes and chat with applicants will be done on August 28 after 6pm. Thanks in advance.
Susan Charles.
Susan Charles.