Animalism, in the context of George Orwell’s Animal Farm, is a fictional ideology created by the animals on Manor Farm as a basis for their rebellion against human oppression. It serves as a representation of the ideals of socialism and the principles of equality.
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Here are the key principles of Animalism explained:
1. All Animals Are Equal:
- This principle emphasizes the idea that every animal on the farm is equal. It rejects the notion of one species or individual having more rights or privileges than another.
- The animals believed that by overthrowing their human oppressors, they would establish a society where everyone had an equal say and an equal share.
2. No Animal Shall Drink Alcohol:
- This rule reflects the animals’ desire to distance themselves from human vices and behaviours. They saw alcohol as a corrupting influence that led to poor decision-making.
- The prohibition of alcohol was intended to maintain clarity of thought and prevent the abuses of power that the humans were accused of.
3. No Animal Shall Kill Another Animal:
- The prohibition against killing is rooted in the idea of solidarity and non-violence among the animals. It is a commitment to resolving conflicts peacefully.
- This principle also symbolizes a rejection of the violence and brutality associated with human rule.
4. All Animals Are Comrades:
- The term “comrades” reflects the idea of camaraderie and unity among the animals. They are supposed to work together for the common good of the farm.
- The emphasis on solidarity is a key aspect of Animalism, promoting the idea that the well-being of one is linked to the well-being of all.
5. No Animal Shall Wear Clothes:
- The rejection of clothing is a symbolic act meant to distinguish the animals from humans. It represents a departure from human practices and an assertion of their own identity.
- Animals wearing clothes would blur the lines between species and potentially reintroduce the social hierarchy the animals sought to eliminate.
6. No Animal Shall Sleep in a Bed:
- Sleeping in beds is seen as a human luxury that creates inequality. The animals, by avoiding beds, aim to maintain a simple and equal way of life.
- This principle reflects the desire to prevent the emergence of a privileged class that enjoys comforts denied to others.
7. No Animal Shall Engage in Trade:
- The rejection of trade is a way to distance themselves from human economic systems, which the animals considered exploitative.
- This principle reflects a desire for self-sufficiency and the avoidance of economic practices that could lead to inequality among the animals.
Throughout the novella, these principles are gradually violated and distorted by the pigs, who take on leadership roles. This distortion serves as a commentary on how revolutionary ideals can be corrupted when those in power abandon the principles they once fought for.