Chapter 11 The summer after second grade the children decide to expand their horizons. They spend more time going into town, which requires them to pass the house of Miss Dubose, who never misses an opportunity to shout at the children. This infuriates Jem, but Atticus tells him not to get upset. On a particular walk, Miss Dubose makes…
Month: March 2017

‘Blood Brothers’ by John Wickham Analysis
A Reading of the Short Story Overview This story is about two brothers Paul and Benjy. Both brothers can be considered to be ‘Blood Brothers’ because they are thirteen year old twins. Despite the fact that Paul and Benjy are twins; they both display different personality traits. Paul is an introvert who loves nature and he loves to contemplate about…

Sample Poetry Exam Question
Choose TWO poems from the prescribed list in which a social issue is presented. In an essay describe the social issue that is present in EACH poem. Also, discuss how either the speaker or the title is used in presenting this issue as well as identify and discuss ONE device which is used to present this issue effectively. TOTAL MARKS=…
Sample English A Short Story 6
The graveyard was cold, dark and dreary. One weary old oak tree leaned over the entrance gate and broken battered headstones were scattered all around. I could hear the sound of the howling wind and the creak and groan of branches as they swayed in the storm. The smell of fear and rotting leaves filled my nostrils and I swallowed…
English B Short Story Sample Essay Question
Ten (10) marks are also allocated for structure, development and competence. Setting plays a significant part in the development of the storyline in ‘Berry’ and ‘Mom Luby and the Social Worker’. For EACH story: a. Describe the setting (8 marks) b. Show how the writer uses descriptive language to develop the setting. (8 marks) c.…