Examining Dramatic Techniques in Alistair Campbell’s Play, Anansi- CSEC English B

Contrast Contrast is used to depict power dynamics, mainly through the stories in the Forest of Stories featuring Anansi. These tales show how Anansi compensates for his small size when matched against larger and stronger opponents. He leverages his attributes—being “small and quick,” “crafty,” and always having the “smartest plan” and the “cleverest head.” Anansi is fully aware of Tiger’s…

The Difference Between Resitting and Repeating CSEC Exams

The terms “repeating” and “resitting” CSEC exams are often used interchangeably, but they can have distinct meanings depending on the context. Here’s a breakdown of the differences: Repeating CSEC Exams Definition: Repeating typically means taking the same exam or subject again from the beginning, usually after not achieving the desired result in a previous attempt. Context: This might involve re-enrolling…