CHARACTERS Mom Luby An elderly woman who is as strong as any young woman. She has white hair and false teeth. She runs a speakeasy in the back room of her house. She fosters two young children. She is a midwife, herb doctor and ordained minister of the Gospel. She’s a very productive woman who helps the people in her…
Year: 2016

Examining the Types of English B Questions
Compare Examine the similarities as well as differences to reach a general conclusion. Compare and Contrast Examine the similarities as well as differences to reach a general conclusion. It must be noted that the word “compare” used by itself takes into consideration both similarities and differences. However, the word contrast used by itself indicates that only the differences must be provided.…
Features of a Shakespeare Comedy
What makes a Shakespeare comedy identifiable if the genre is not distinct from the Shakespeare tragedies and histories? This is an ongoing area of debate, but many believe that the comedies share certain characteristics, as described below: Comedy through language: Shakespeare communicated his comedy through language and his comedy plays are peppered with clever word play, metaphors and insults. Act 1- scene 1 Shipwreck Act 2-…

SECTION C — PROSE FICTION Answer ONE question in this section. You must state the title of any books you refer to in your answer. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD — Harper Lee EITHER 5. “To Kill a Mockingbird is a coming-of-age novel in which Jem and Scout learn some important lessons about life.” Write an essay in which you describe…
The Tempest Acts 4 & 5 Summary
Act IV. Prospero tells Ferdinand that he no longer will punish him, but instead will freely give his daughter’s hand in marriage to him. Prospero conjures up a beautiful, mythical, illusory party to celebrate, complete with goddesses and nymphs. Prospero instructs Ariel to lead the shipwrecked men on the island before him. Remembering Stephano, Caliban and Trinculo, Prospero has Ariel…