Examining the Types of English B Questions


Compare     Examine the similarities as well as differences to reach a general conclusion.

Compare and Contrast Examine the similarities as well as differences to reach a general conclusion. It must be noted that the word “compare” used by itself takes into consideration both similarities and differences. However, the word contrast used by itself indicates that only the differences must be

Comment Examine how the writer uses different elements (for example, literary device, stage props) to create effect and meaning. The overall effect on the piece of work must also be provided. The effect must take into account the writer’s purpose, and other elements of the piece of work, for example, theme, structure, diction and tone.

Describe Provide a detailed account, including significant characteristics or traits of the issue in question.

Discuss Provide an extended answer exploring related concepts and issues using detailed examples but not necessarily drawing a conclusion.

Explain  Focus on what, how and why something occurred. State the reasons or justifications, interpretation of results and causes.

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