Forgive My Guilt-Robert Tristram Coffin

Summary An adult is reminiscing about a traumatic childhood experience. The persona went hunting and shot two birds, plovers. He suffers extreme guilt about this action in adulthood. The poem describes the event, the actions of the bird, how he reacts, and, by the last line, asks the birds to forgive his guilt. LITERARY DEVICES 1.METAPHOR Line 4: The nature…

The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka

Wole Soyinka, the author of twenty plays, six novels and six collections of poems, represents Yoruba tradition in his comic play. In the play, The Lion and the Jewel, the conflict between tradition and modernization covers a significant portion of Wole Soyinka’s work.  He was the first African writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Morning The play is set in the village of Ilujinle. Note Lakunle’s age. Despite…