1) Write a letter to the principal detailing a pressing problem facing the school. Explain what makes the issue worthy of attention and suggest possible solutions.
2) Write a letter of complaint to a business that has disappointed you. Explain what dissatisfied you about the product or service offered by that company and what you expect the company to do to remedy the situation.
3) Write a letter complimenting a business or company for its outstanding services or products. Be specific about what you like, and give details on your positive experience with the company.
4) Pretend you went to your favourite fast food restaurant and while there you received poor service. Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the restaurant in which you describe in detail what happened and how you would like the situation to be addressed.
5) You ordered a new phone online. However, when it arrived it was broken. Write a letter of complaint to the company you ordered phone. Explain the condition of the phone when it arrived to you and what you would like them to do about it.