SHORT STORIES A WORLD OF PROSE FOR CSEC —David Williams and Hazel Simmons-McDonald EITHER 7. “The stories ‘The Day the World Almost Came to an End’ and ‘Blood Brothers’ are both stories about fear.” Write an essay in which you describe the situation that gave rise to the fear in EACH story. In this essay, you must also discuss the impact…
Month: August 2016

CSEC English B -Section B Sample Questions – 2023 Exam
A WORLD OF POETRY FOR CSEC —Mark McWatt and Hazel Simmons-McDonald EITHER 3. “‘My Parents’ and ‘Little Boy Crying’ explore childhood experiences.” Write an essay in which you describe the experience of EACH child. In this essay, you must also discuss how the child in EACH poem feels about the other persons involved in the experience, and examine ONE device…

CSEC English B -Section A Sample Questions- 2023 Exam
For each question in Sections A, B, and C, in addition to the 25 marks indicated for content and argument, 10 marks are allocated for language, organization and competence in the mechanics of writing. SECTION A — DRAMA Answer ONE question in this section. THE TEMPEST — William Shakespeare EITHER 1. “The Tempest is an exploration of different types of…

Analysis of God’s Grandeur by Gerard Manley Hopkins
Summary The first four lines of the octave (the first eight-line stanza of an Italian sonnet) describe a natural world through which God’s presence runs like an electrical current, becoming momentarily visible in flashes like the refracted glinting of light produced by metal foil when rumpled or quickly moved. Alternatively, God’s presence is a rich oil, a kind of sap…

Outline of the CSEC English B 2018-2023 Exam
The English B examination is offered at the General Proficiency level. The Assessment comprises three papers, Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 031 or Paper 032. Papers 01 and 02 are assessed externally. Paper 031 is the School-Based Assessment (SBA) and is assessed internally by the teacher and moderated by CXC. Paper 032 is an alternative to the SBA and…